差不多是15年前了,那幾年應該是我最瘋狂吸收音樂知識,大量聆聽的時期。那個時候每天晚上必須做的事情就是守著收音機,頻道永遠固定在中廣青春網。從楊嘉、鄭華娟與Tim、李方、一直到午夜的Robin龔懷主,然後才能滿足的睡去。(Robin就是現在衛視體育台,專門播報F1、GP500以及WWF摔角的體育主播龔懷主,有時候真的很難將現在的他跟當年在舞台上豪邁地唱著Runaway的Robin聯想在一起,雖然他還是一樣的搞笑。),很多生命中最重要的音樂都是在這個時期接觸到的。就像這一首。Hello it’s me。

POP ART藝術大師Andy Warhol在1987年逝世,Lou Reed與John Cale這兩位The Velvet Underground的重要靈魂人物,自1968年John Cale與Lou Reed交惡離開樂團後,二十年來首度再次攜手,於1990年出了這一張紀念Andy的音樂專輯Songs For Drella,這一切就是為了這位藝術大師。Drella是Andy Warhol的外號,Songs For Drella也是一張用音樂來陳述Andy一生的作品,Hello it’s me是這張專輯的最後一首歌,在前面的14首歌中Lou跟John談完了所有關於Andy重要的過去,在最後這一首歌,他們想要坐下來,靜靜地對這位已經不在的老友說說話,就像從前。這是一張真摯無比的動人經典專輯,即使這張專輯出版後,Lou跟John又回復過往不相往來的狀態,但是至少我們都很慶幸,他們留下了這張Songs For Drella。

薛岳在1990年過世,他是Robin非常非常好的朋友。在薛岳過世前的一段時間,Robin時常會透過音樂將他對一位老友即將離去的不捨與哀戚,赤裸裸的宣洩出來。一天晚上,在Robin的節目【夜貓子】中,他放了這首歌。就像Lou Reed跟John Cale的心情,當一切都無能為力的時候,他希望可以跟以前一樣,用彼此擁抱了一輩子的音樂,再一次,跟他的老朋友說說話。


Words and music: Lou Reed & John Cale

Andy it's me, haven't seen you in a while
I wished I talked to you more when you were alive
I thought you were self-assured when you acted shy
Hello it's me
I really miss you, I really miss your mind
I haven't heard ideas like that in such a long, long time
I loved to watch you draw and watch you paint
But when I saw you last I turned away

When Billy name was sick and locked up in his room
You asked me for some speed, I though it was for you
I'm sorry that I doubted your good heart
Things always seem to end before they start

Hello it's me, that was a great gallery show
Your cow wallpaper and your floating silver pillows

I wish I paid more attention when they laughed at you
Hello it's me

"pop goes pop artist," the headline said
"is shooting a put-on, is Warhol really dead?"
You get less time for stealing a car
I remember thinking as i heard my own record in a bar

They really hated you, now all that's changed
But I have some resentments that can never be unmade
You hit me where it hurt I didn't laugh
Your diaries are not a worthy epitaph

Oh well now Andy - guess we've got to go
I hope some way somehow you like this little show
I know it's late in coming but it's the only way i know
Hello it's me - goodnight Andy...
Goodbye, Andy,

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